Rob, on the other hand, has a hobby or two. He loves hunting, especially in Alaska, or Unit 9, Colorado, Utah, Texas, and Mexico are also places that he is quite happy to go. I guess it really doesn’t matter WHERE he goes, as long as he gets to go. He works at Alliance Bank of AZ, and I never quite know what his official title is but I know that he is a business banker and I think he is over all of Northern AZ. But don’t quote me on that.
Kaylee just graduated from High school this year and bought a new Honda Civic.Funny story... She went to a friends house one night to watch a movie, nothing out of the ordinary. The next day she gets a text with this pic...

When she parked at their house, she stopped on the tail of a Rattle Snake! so it couldn't get her, but it couldn't get away either so it died right there and she never knew it was under her car. Things like that only happen to her, I swear. Anyway, She’s working for a lady Rob works with, being a nanny, I guess you could call it, for 3 hours a day. She basically picks them up from school and takes them to whatever lessons or practices they have, then takes them home and makes sure they do their homework. She is also going to CCC and wants major in Special Education. She really does have a way with making people, but especially kids, with special needs, feel comfortable with her. They all love her, and she loves them too so I know she’ll do really well.
Robbie is now a Freshman at Flag High, and is not too interested in anything there. His real passion is anything having to do with being outside and on the move. He had a “dirt bike” (motorcycle) and it was actually a pretty decent one, but I guess that was boring so he sold it and got a Cross Country Mountain Bike (I think that’s what they call it) and is very into dirt jumping and down hill…bla bla bla. I don’t know all the terminology, but its extreme biking I guess. We’ll see how he feels when he is 15 and 7 months. (that’s 6 months from now)
Madison is in 3rd grade this year. She is at that age where school is no longer fun and it seems a lot like work. So every day I have to convince her that she has to go and her stomach does not hurt. She is also in gymnastics and I think she likes it ok but recently she discovered my baton, so I showed her a couple of basic twirls and every day she is like “mommy look what I learned to do!” so I have to come in the other room and watch, while she twirls, then drops the baton and says “ oh, wait that’s not it…” we do that about 5-10 times in a row. Haha I think every kid does that. I really want her to take voice lessons! When she’s just messing around singing, you would never know it was an 8 year old. The problem is when I say something to her about it she gets embarrassed, and when I mention voice lessons she thinks it means that she’s not very good. I try to explain to her that only the people that ARE good take lessons and it’s just so they can perfect the gift that the already have. (that could be wrong but you know what I mean) so I think I am going to encourage her to try it or at least get into choir at school.
Then there’s Kenny, he’s such a sweetheart. He is in Kindergarten this year and just turned 6! He’s so funny because he likes to hang out with his big bro and ride bikes with the big boys, dirt jumps and all (he learned to ride without training wheels when he was almost 4) he has no fear. We got a boat this year and we have been out on it quite a few times during the summer, but the first time he saw Kaylee wakeboarding, he was like “Aaaah maaaaan!!! I gotta learn to do that!” I get a little scared, but I figure there are a lot worse things he could get into than sports so I just try to keep helmets and pads on as many body parts as I can, and do the motherly “be careful! Don’t do this don’t do that” and then threaten the older one that if he gets hurt while he is with him…etc. hopefully we wont see the emergency room any time soon.
That’s about all I can think of for now, but I am going to be updating this more often since I finally figured out how to do it for the most part. It’s a work in progress.

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