In the Begining...

In the Begining...

And Then...

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Thursday, December 17, 2009

Ok… where to start… I haven’t really written anything substantial since I started this thing, so here we go. Last year at this time my youngest, Kenny had just started kindergarten and my oldest had just graduated from high school. This year… to be completely honest it’s hard to remember much that happened before the wedding. That pretty much occupied my entire summer. The year started out with Kaylee going to CCC and taking basic classes. Robbie was in his freshman year at high school. Madison was in 3rd grade in elementary school, and Kenny in kindergarten. Since then…Well Kenny is in first grade, Madison is in 4th, Robbie is a sophomore and now has his drivers licence and a truck, and Kaylee found her prince charming and married him 3 months later. Yes that is quick, but when you know it’s right… what is the point in waiting. So anyway since then it seems like it has been one hunting, or fishing trip after another, and some birthdays scattered in there every so often. haha:)

Rob and Rudy Caribou hunting in Canada

Robbie fly fishingRob also fly fishing, I have no idea where

Kenny's #7 Birthday!

Riding his new bike
riding his new scooter in the house
Then we had a party that weekend at Peter Piper Pizza

Rob and Kenny went by themselves to scout his deer hunting area

it was just north of the Grand Canyon (I think...)

Rob and Ben were guides for a guy from somewhere back east or something.(???)

Robbie's 16th B-Day!!!

Oh Geez... What a goofball

Rob and Robbie and Randy guided my Brother, Cris

and my Dad on their cow elk hunt

Kaylee Got a deer for Halloween!!!

Ben could not be outdone by his wife so he got a bigger one like a week later (haha)

Madison's 10th B-Day!!! She had a slumber party and we didn't get photos. It was a lot of princess dresses and discussing how Justin Bieber, and Taylor Lautner are H.O.T.T. CUTE!!!:D

Rob and Ben went fly fishing in an un-disclosed area, and caught these monsters But they had to let them go because it's still catch and release. boo:(

this is just me messing around with the Panoramic thingy on my camera:)

Ben and Kaylee were babysitting while we went Christmas shopping, and apparently they were playing with my camera cuz I found these the other day Awwwww...cuteness;-)

Oh yes... and we have snow!!!

Ben and Kaylee are shoveling it off the back porch.
Maggie is supervising

My tree fell over and got buried

Robbie un-burying his truck

well thats all that I can think of for now MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!