In the Begining...

In the Begining...

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Monday, April 20, 2009

Sunday Dinner!!! :/

Friday was the first day of Robbies Turkey hunt so they left right after school and came home with this...

Then, of course, we had to cook it on Sunday. Lets just say it was NOT a Butterball.

That was Rob getting all excited at the end. He said he couldn't turn the camera because he was afraid the turkey would see him. So we don't get to see that part.

babies, BaBiEs, BABIES!!!:D

Well first of all... My older sister Shelley,and her husband Robert just had their first baby on Wed. and it is driving me crazy that I am not there right now, and my brother Blaine and his wife Tiffany just had their baby a few weeks ago so ya... but thats ok we're going down there this weekend. So just to warn you there could be lots of pics after this weekend. haha

Shelley and Baby Luke

Robert and Baby Luke

Little Fletcher Family:)

Baby Cameron

The Matthews Family

Kaylee and Ryan

Kaylee and Cameron