it was just north of the Grand Canyon (I think...)
Rob and Ben were guides for a guy from somewhere back east or something.(???)
Robbie's 16th B-Day!!!
Oh Geez... What a goofball
Rob and Robbie and Randy guided my Brother, Cris
and my Dad on their cow elk hunt
Kaylee Got a deer for Halloween!!!
Ben could not be outdone by his wife so he got a bigger one like a week later (haha)
Madison's 10th B-Day!!! She had a slumber party and we didn't get photos. It was a lot of princess dresses and discussing how Justin Bieber, and Taylor Lautner are H.O.T.T. CUTE!!!:D
Rob and Ben went fly fishing in an un-disclosed area, and caught these monsters But they had to let them go because it's still catch and release. boo:(
this is just me messing around with the Panoramic thingy on my camera:)
Ben and Kaylee were babysitting while we went Christmas shopping, and apparently they were playing with my camera cuz I found these the other day Awwwww...cuteness;-)